Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Wednesday 21 December 2011


As I start to write this post (Monday evening), I still have some of my Christmas shopping to do.   I have very little to do, anyway as I only plan on presents for my Wife, Daughter and Mother.   I have something for my daughter and something for my wife, but would like another couple of things, for my Mother I have nothing,   If I were Christmas shopping for Paula, I would get silk stockings, lacy lingerie, maybe some new sparklies, but the other ladies in my life have more prosaic tastes.sparkler's

Somehow I shall have to set aside some time to browse the department stores and just see what I can find, maybe a scarf for Mum, some spraklies for wife and chocs for Daughter - see I've no imagination at all.   No one will be buying Paula a present so there won't be any, unless she buys herself one.

By the by, I did pop into the Grape and Grain with a couple of friends last night, like everything else we fear, no one noticed or recognised me

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