Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Friday 20 September 2013


Earlier today as I was driving to and fro for work I had a wonderful idea for a post, along with a witty one word title that would work for the two strands that would flow into each other.   It is a real shame that I can’t remember what the title was or what either of the themes were.   So instead we will just have to put up with the usual ramblings of my confused mind.
I keep forgetting things; I suspect that half of my problems are down to being tired, not just a lack of sleep but just the effects of having been working pretty continuously all year.   On the other hand of course it could be that it’s not just my Mum who is losing her short term memory.   Seriously I doubt if it is any more than just being tired.

I had planned to go to a rehearsal up in town this evening, but when I got home I was feeling weary and in need of a proper wash and a proper meal, so I’m sorry but the rehearsal go missed.   Now I am sitting at home, on my own, watching an old Jonathan Creek after a comforting meal of southern style chicken and beans.   After couple of glasses of wine and a chocolate biscuit I am feeling (physically) a lot more comfortable than I have for a few days.
Last night I had a band rehearsal, playing the tuba, so after work I got home had a shower and got changed, everything I wore was ostensibly female, I wore a tee-shirt and sweater I bought on Tuesday from Matalan a pair of jeans some ankle boots and a denim jacket, looking at myself in the mirror before going out I did wonder if I looked too fem, but decided to go with it.   During the first half I was aware of some comments being passed about me along the trumpet section; this is just a small section of the band, but with more testosterone than the average sperm bank, so I will admit to a little concern, had I gone too far after all? If asked questions would I dare answer with the truth? Was any lace from my panties showing?   During the interval all became clear when I collected my coffee, when one of the trumpets said “Hey you know, you wouldn’t guess it but this guy’s ripped!” I had gone round to his place during the summer to prepare a quote for some work in their garden, as it was during the very hot period we enjoyed earlier I was just wearing some shorts and a vest.   At the time I remember being very conscious that these were in fact quite short fem shorts and a very fem vest, but apparently what he saw, for the first time was that I have a few muscles and not a lot of fat.

I very nearly left some nail polish on last night, it’s just as well that I didn’t as it might have spoilt the moment.

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