Paula's Place

Paula's Place

Thursday 8 May 2014


Today is Thursday, we had a bank holiday on Monday so I have actually only had two work days so far this week, yet I feel as though I have already done a full week's work and need a break!   Since it is currently pouring with rain it looks as though I may get a bit of one too.   It seems a little bazaar how tired I feel until I start to reflect on just how much I have been trying to pack into the last week or so.   Over the last week I have had two performances and four rehearsals on four different instruments, and that is on top of work.

Things got so silly that on Tuesday I had intended going to an orchestral rehearsal after my visit to my osteopath but decided instead that I should sit at home, relax a little and get my invoicing up to date. This also meant that I didn't need to go to the appointment "dressed" however during the session our conversation wandered around and I took advantage of an opportunity to explain about being transgendered. Of course he was aware that I am a cross dresser, my choice in underwear and nail polish on my toes is a bit of a give away!   As expected he was pretty cool with the whole thing and asked intelligent appropriate questions, I suspect that he is actually a little more comfortable now that I have explained.

Anyway the idea of staying at home and catching up with admin took a knock when another friend phoned to tell me that his local Morris Side had arrived and I HAD to come over and see them.   Having no will power what so ever I did.   A very pleasant night in the pub followed.   Watching the guys dance was fun, but after that they all came into the pub and a lot of impromptu singing and accordion playing followed.   Accordions and Concertinas always confuse me, they just seem so alien to the instruments I understand and play, the whole logic of the instruments are just different, how do they know where the notes are?

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